The Bold Company presents Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery

Date: March 6, 2025 — March 8, 2025
Days & Times:

Thursday & Friday at 7 pm
Saturday at 2 pm

Price: $10, Students 18 & under $5

By Ken Ludwig
Directed by Julie Allen Hamilton
Costume Design by Robin McLaughlin
Voice & Speech Coach Alison Weller
Stage Combat Art Devine
Stage Manager Holly Erin McCarthy


The play’s afoot! Comedic genius Ken Ludwig (Lend Me a Tenor, Moon Over Buffalo) transforms Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic The Hound of the Baskervilles into a murderously funny adventure. Sherlock Holmes is on the case. The male heirs of the Baskerville line are being dispatched one by one. To find their ingenious killer, Holmes and Watson must brave the desolate moors before a family curse dooms its newest heir. Watch as our intrepid investigators try to escape a dizzying web of clues, silly accents, disguises, and deceit. Does a wild hellhound prowl the moors of Devonshire? Can our heroes discover the truth in time? Join the fun and see how far from elementary the truth can be.

Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

“Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” was originally produced by McCarter Theatre Center, Princeton, NJ Emily Mann, Artistic Director; Timothy J. Shields, Managing Director and Arena Stage, Washington, DC Molly Smith, Artistic Director, Edgar Dobie, Executive Producer.


Sir Hugo Baskerville/Falstaff

Barbara Bradley (Milker) joined BoldCo because she has never been this Bold or this Old! She is a long-time supporter of Cape Rep and is delighted to be on stage. Barbara is retired, rides her bike, plays pickle ball, and volunteers for Wild Care and Audubon turtle stranding rescue.

Sherlock Holmes

Joan Butterton (Sherlock Holmes) has spent the past year looking forward to returning to the Cape Rep stage for this, her third BoldCo season. “Now is the dramatic moment of fate,” says Sherlock, and this dramatic moment is truly special thanks to the magic made by Julie Allen Hamilton, Holly Erin McCarthy, Alison Weller, and all the rest of the amazing staff, crew, and cast. Thank you for your support of Cape Rep and enjoy the show!

Desk Clerk
Inspector Lestrade

Ed Coppola (Lestrade) and his wife Jackie have lived in Brestwer for 28 years. A U.S. Army Veteran, Ed has been acting for 18 years. At 83 years young, he has always loved the Sherlock Holmes stories and happy to be part of this great cast. Thank you to Julie, you’re the best!

Dr. Mortimer

Roz Diamond (Dr. Mortimer) f you are reading this, you already know that Cape Cod is a magical place. If you are fortunate to live here, you also know that the opportunities to explore your interests, desires, and inner self, are many. Roz has taken classes in water color painting, Mah Jongg, weaving, Nordic walking, is a Docent for Nauset Lighthouse, has adopted her first, and now, second dog, and is the mother of a new kitten. When Cape Rep sought members to join its BoldCo to learn how to act, though never had she ever, she was all in! This is her third stage show. If you enjoy the play, laugh a little, smile a lot, consider joining us next year!

Mrs. Hudson

Marcia Fredlich (Mrs. Hudson) developed an interest in acting after falling in love with storytelling, attending many story slams, and telling a few stories myself. In trying her hand as an actor with Bold Co, (now in her third production), I was enamored by the many layers and interpretations that one script can possess because of the director and the actors. What starts out as words on a flat paper becomes a three dimensional, living, breathing work! A big shout out to Julie Allen Hamilton, our director, and all the wonderful staff from Cape Rep Bold Co. who have guided and mentored us and made this such a fun and exciting learning experience.

Cartwright/Nurse Malloy
Sir Charles Baskerville/Trap Driver

Don Greif (Sir Charles Baskerville/Trap Driver) is a neophyte. He acted in a play in 6th grade—as Indian X in “The History of Elmont” (his hometown), written by Jeff Laffel, his extraordinary 6th grade teacher, and he spent the next 58 years in the audience. As a psychologist, expert witness and former athlete he knows a bit about performance anxiety, yet he has not known the terror of being on stage. Julie’s encouragement, buoyancy and humor—and terrific skill as a director—were the best remedies he could have wished for. He credits his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Stringer, a former actress turned psychologist, with encouraging him to leave his comfort zone for the aptly named BoldCo. 


Richard Leo Jacobs (Stapleton) made his acting debut last year in BoldCo’s As You Like It as Jaques (the man in the striped pants). Earlier this year he performed as Charles the butler with Improv Cape Cod in their first full-length play, Poshington Manor. He credits Cape Rep with launching him into a new chapter of life, and now takes frequent acting classes and workshops to develop a new and much more fun career than his forty (rewarding but serious) years in clinical psychology.

Miss Stapleton
Sir Henry Baskerville

Mark Keating (Sir Henry Baskerville) Lives in Orleans with his wife Denise. Before moving here full time in 2018, they raised a family in Harvard, Massachusetts. They have three children and four grandchildren spread out between Boston and LA. He went to school in Pennsylvania and New York before going to work in Hi-Tech, eventually helping to form an agency that assists companies in learning how to do business in the US. He spends the Spring and Fall playing second base and center field in the Cape Cod 55+ Baseball League, and fills in the summers riding bikes all over Cape Cod with Denise. His only stage experience has been his 8+ year run as the “Blanket Monster” in limited productions that alternately terrify and delight his grandchildren aged two to ten.

Shepherdess/Bradely/Country Farmer

Pat King (Shepherdess/Bradley/Country Farmer) is tickled to have found BoldCo.  After working in New York theatre during her 20’s she went on to do other things.  Now, 50 years later, she is grateful to BoldCo for returning her to her first love; theatre. 

Mrs. Barrymore
Mrs. Clayton/Dr. McCann

Maggie MacLeay (Mrs. Clayton/Dr McCann) is excited to be back in this latest BoldCo production. She has been a member of VetCo as well as BoldCo since their inception. Maggie lives in Orleans her best buddy Finn.

German Maid/Lead Foley Artist

Pam North (German Maid/Lead Foley) is crazy happy to be part of the BoldCo Family for a fourth season! Every year the experience gets better and this season we are having so much fun playing with Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville. Taking the lead in creating sound effects is a refreshing change/challenge from memorizing lines. With the super-capable and supportive Julie Allen Hamilton directing and Holly Erin McCarthy’s friendly smile keeping us in line as our stage manager we are guaranteed a fun ride and a great show! Thanks to Mark, Sophy, Mollie, and my friends far and near for being so supportive.

Victor/Nurse MacKeeble

Bobby Parr (Victor/Nurse MacKeeble) was born in Cambridge, MA in 1958. He lived there until just before he turned 8 when he and his family moved to Harwich. He graduated Cape Cod Tech in 1976 and joined the U. S. Navy in October of that year. His 20 year career in the Navy took him around the world before retiring in 1997 as a Chief Petty Officer. Married to the wonderful Lynne Zalesak, they have six children and two grandchildren and a doggie, Bailey. Bobby performed in Suffer A Witch and The Little Mermaid with The Company Onstage in Houston, TX and also in Everybody and As You Like It with Cape Rep’s BoldCo. He is also a disabled veteran.

Doctor Watson

R. Andrew Pelletier (Watson) is thrilled to be involved in his second season with BoldCo having played Mr Lebeau in last year’s As You Like It. Drew is an attorney and hails from Milton and East Harwich. He is happily married with three children and is proud to be a part of BoldCo.


Bob Williamson (Wilson) is enjoying his third season with Bold Co after playing in last year’s production of As You Like It. Previous acting forays include playing the king in Princess and the Pea at Harwich Junior Theatre and a multitude of small roles in A Childs Christmas in Wales at Eventide Theatre. Many thanks to Cape Rep for making it possible to learn the craft of acting and experience the thrill of being on stage.

Lucy/Laura Lyons

Lynne Zalesak (Lucy/Laura Lyons) is happy to be back for her second year with the Bold Company. Lynne grew up in Harwich and taught eighth grade US History for thirty-three years in Houston, TX and where she was also involved with the community theater Company OnStage. After getting reacquainted with her future husband at her 40th high school reunion, she returned home to Harwich where she lives with her husband Bobby and her four legged child Bailey.

  • Box Office: (508) 896-1888
    3299 Main Street, P.O. Box 1305, Brewster, MA 02631 (Emails may not be answered in a timely manner. Please do not email for ticketing requests or issues.)

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