Other Ways to Give


Planned Giving and Estate Planning

Cape Rep is happy to work with those who want to support Cape Rep in their estate plans, with their attorneys and other planning professionals.
Suggested language to benefit Cape Rep in a Will or Trust:
“I give and bequeath (dollar amount, percent of estate, or other description of property) to Cape Cod Repertory Theatre Company, Inc., a non-profit corporation having a principal place of business in Brewster, Massachusetts.”
For additional information, call the Box Office at 508.896.1888.
A copy of Cape Rep’s 501(c)(3) determination letter will be provided upon request.


Does your employer have a matching gift program? If so, you could potentially double your charitable donation to Cape Rep Theatre, helping us to continue bringing you the high quality theater and educational offerings you have come to appreciate. And your match will then allow you to enjoy a higher level of donor benefits.  As a 501c3 nonprofit, you and your employer will enjoy the tax deduction.  Give us a call at 508.896.1888 for more information.


A lovely way to honor a friend or loved one is to make a donation in their name. Your gift can be realized in many different ways, as a simple donation , the purchase of an inscribed brick , a donation to Cape Rep’s scholarship fund, or in any number of creative ways. We would love to work with you to make this special gift meaningful. Give us a call at 508.896.1888 and we will be happy to help you with this very thoughtful gift.


The historic Crosby Cape House at Cape Rep Theatre is a resurrected treasure offering a cultural meeting place for the town of Brewster, affordable housing for theater staff, and a welcoming haven for visiting artists. Through the generosity of hundreds of individual donors, generous grants from the Town of Brewster, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and many foundations, and the dedicated work of local craftsmen and volunteers, we were able to raise $670,000 to restore and renovate the Cape House, opening it as a home for artists in 2010.

Layout 1
Create your lasting legacy in the charming brick courtyard and walkways leading to the public entrances. We invite you to have your name or personal message engraved on a paver permanently set into our walkway. Logos or artwork can be incorporated for a modest additional charge. With this gift you’ll affirm your connection to this creative and historic site and support our ongoing artistic efforts. You may also dedicate a garden, shade tree, or bench. Your donation is tax-deductible. Pavers, especially gold, are limited in number, so please place your order as soon as possible.

Brick Engraving Options

The golden core of the red paths will echo the traditional color of the antique house; the spiral in the courtyard recalls the magical yellow brick road in The Wizard of Oz, which opened Cape Rep’s inaugural season in 1987.

Path & Courtyard:

4″ x 8″ Red Brick (up to 3-line inscription) – $125

4″ x 8″ Yellow Brick (up to 3-line inscription) – $175

8″ x 8″ Yellow Brick (maximum 4-line inscription) – $250

12″ x 12″ Brick (maximum 5-line inscription) – $500

In the Gardens:

Small Garden Area – $750

Large Garden Area – $2,000

14′ Shade Tree – $2,500

Wooden Bench – $3,000

Cape Rep Theatre reserves the right to determine the placement of pavers in the courtyard and walkways and to approve proposed engravings.


You believe in the importance of theater. But theater education is expensive. Making a donation to Cape Rep’s Education Fund has a tremendous impact. Your gift could help a young artist fund their education in the performing arts at a college, conservatory or graduate school. It could help a local artist receive professional theater training here on Cape Cod through our TheatreLab classes, fund a student taking part in our Young Company or offset the cost of a Master Class for a company artist to expand their skills. It could even help a staff member take a class to acquire specific training to help us bring you better theater. The craft of theater requires a lifetime commitment to learning ways of creating. Make a donation in your own name, or to honor your favorite drama teacher from high school, or in the name of your Great Aunt Gertie who took you to your first Broadway show. Your gift will have a lifelong impact on an artist.


    • We would love a car for use by guest artists, if you have one to share.
    • A golf cart for those times we need to schlep furniture, props and costumes all over campus.
    • $1 million.  We have to ask.  You never know when someone might come through.
  • Box Office: (508) 896-1888
    3299 Main Street, P.O. Box 1305, Brewster, MA 02631
    contact@caperep.org (Emails may not be answered in a timely manner. Please do not email for ticketing requests or issues.)

    © 2024 Cape Rep Theatre