Days & Times:
Friday and Saturday at 7 pm
Sunday at 2 pm
by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
World Premiere produced by Signature Theatre, New York City (Paige Evans, Artistic Director; Erika Mallin, Executive Director; James Houghton, Founder)
Directed by Julie Allen Hamilton
Stage Manager Chelsey Jo Brown
This modern riff on the 15th Century morality play Everyman offers a playful and colloquial examination of the human condition in the face of mortality as we follow Everybody’s journey down a road toward life’s greatest mystery.
About Cape Rep’s BoldCo
The Bold Company (BoldCo) is a free educational program for 55 plus Cape Cod residents wanting to learn the craft of acting through a fun and friendly rehearsal and production process. BoldCo is for those with little to no experience but lots of enthusiasm and designed to open the door for non-actors into the many benefits gained from a life in the arts.
Thank you to the following organizations and individuals for their generous support of our Education programs:
Robert & Margery Glovin and The Samuel W. and Jacob I. Brier Charitable Fund, Dan Wolf & Heidi Schuetz, the John K. & Thirza F. Davenport Foundation, Arts Foundation of Cape Cod and Michele & Gary Clarke.
- Masks are encouraged but not required.
- All Cape Rep staff and cast members have been fully vaccinated.
- For further information or to purchase tickets, contact the box office at 508.896.1888.
Ken Akroyd (God/D) Ken has no on-stage experience, but has been in the audiences of all the Cape Cod Playhouses several times. This experience has given him a new appreciation for the hard work, dedication and commitment during this production of all those involved at Cape Cod Rep Theatre.
Lorri Alexander (Somebody/Everybody/Stuff/Strength) is grateful to her fabulous BoldCo cast-mates and Cape Rep for the chance to have this wonderful and challenging experience again. Last year’s Tiny Beautiful Things brought her onto the stage for the first time, after many years working behind the scenes in community theater, before moving to the Cape thirteen years ago. This program encourages us to reach way beyond what we think we’re capable. Thanks to Cape Rep for the great memories and to my loving and supportive family for listening to me obsess about Everybody for the past eight weeks!
Barbara Bradley (Death) joined BoldCo because she has never been this Bold or this Old! She is a long time supporter of Cape Rep and is delighted to be on stage. Barbara is retired, rides her bike, plays pickle ball, and volunteers for Wild Care and Audubon turtle stranding rescue.
Joan Butterton (God/Love) was last seen on stage in 1974 in a high school production of the unfortunately named play, Bang Bang Beirut. Her role as a French hotel manager/undercover agent was notable for a dreadful French accent. Joan was wowed by the BoldCo’s November 2022 production of Tiny Beautiful Things, and the rest is history!
Connie Chan (Usher/Everybody) is living proof that it is never too late to achieve your high school dreams of acting in a stage play. She is delighted to be working with such a lively group of actors led by wonderful Cape Rep professionals (Julie, Chelsey, Alison, and the whole crew). Connie is happily retired from her previous psychologist/professor life, and loves living here, especially walking with her two dogs on Cape Cod trails.
Marcy Cohen (Usher/God/A) retired to the Cape in 2012 and has discovered her true calling in life: being retired. She now has time to take classes, do volunteer work, write, read, exercise, and—most importantly—kiss, walk and play with her rescue toy poodle, the current love of her life. Marcy’s pre-Cape life is a distant memory, but she’s pretty sure it included traveling, living and teaching abroad, being a university administrator and having a completely different toy poodle as the love her life. She’s excited to be participating in this terrific BoldCo Program and hopes she remembers her lines.
Ed Coppola (Death)is a proud US Army Veteran. Since 2008 he has had great pleasure acting in many shows at CCTC/HJT. He first appeared at Cape Rep in 2019 with the newly formed VetCo, and is thrilled to be performing here again with this talented BoldCo cast. Thank you Julie for this opportunity.
Marcia Fredlich (God/Somebody/Everybody/Girl/Time) has had the letters A-C-T in the same sentence as her name many times–acting up, acting out, action, activist to name a few. Then someone suggests acting and here she is. She has had an evolving interest in acting after falling in love with storytelling, attending many story slams, and telling a few stories herself. She never realized how interesting being in a production like this would be. What started out as words on a flat paper became a three dimensional, living, breathing thing! A big shout out to the wonderful staff from the Cape Rep BoldCo who have guided and mentored and made this such a fun and exciting learning experience.
Ray Glaser (Usher/Everybody/Beauty) retired and living the good life in Brewster, saw the BoldCo promo and the “while we’re young“ bell rang ~ loudly! An opportunity to be back on stage with direction from the pros at his friendly neighborhood theater was not to be missed and a chance to continue acting – which truthfully is as much fun as you can have with your clothes on. Ray got the sand in his shoes way back, has been on Cape for over 50 years and considers himself very fortunate to have been able to live the entrepreneurial dream of business ownership while enjoying the best of the Cape’s lifestyle.
Laurie Goldman (Usher/God/Cousin) is thrilled to be returning to BoldCo for a second season. She loves the adventure of it, the camaraderie and the inspiring direction by Julie Allen Hamilton. She’s so grateful she gets to share it with such a wonderful group of people. Laurie has lived on the Cape for decades. She’s been a whale researcher, a science writer, and a potter. She has been mainly “theater adjacent” for years as she watched her children grow on many of the Capes wonderful local stages so finding herself up in front of an audience is a bit of a shock! Thank you Cape Rep for letting me try out this oh so extreme sport of acting!
Michael Harnett (God/Kinship) is performing on stage for the second time and is very excited to be part of Cape Rep’s BoldCo. A big shout out to Cape Rep’s professional staff from their directors, stage managers and production staff to the set/lighting designers and set builders. What they can do with an amateur crew of actors is truly amazing. When he is off stage Michael volunteers in several educational programs at both the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History and at the Cape Cod National Seashore. He is also active with several Eastham environmental committees and enjoys playing pickle ball, hiking, woodcarving and walking with the dog.
Sheila Kane (Somebody/Everybody) is back for her second performance with the BoldCo and is grateful for this opportunity to challenge herself (and her memory) in a new and creative way. As a child she was an Irish step dancer with her two sisters and danced in many St. Patrick’s Day productions. She loves to sing and has performed with several choral groups. Sheila is a retired Family Nurse Practitioner and a lifelong advocate for disadvantaged youth. Her many interests include alternative medicine, poetry and discovering the hiking trails of Cape Cod.
Rhonda Litwinowich (Somebody/Everybody/Senses) keeps herself busy as a DJ for WOMR, working in her pottery studio and maintaining her honey bee hives. BoldCo has provided a different kind of opportunity to learn from dedicated professionals about theater performance. After being a part of BoldCo’s first production, Tiny Beautiful Things, Rhonda is so happy to continue the journey along with the Cape Rep staff and cast members of Everybody.
Maggie MacLeay (Friendship) lives in Orleans. She is pleased to be another BoldCo production after appearing in last year’s Tiny Beautiful Things. She was previously seen in Cape Rep’s VetCo productions of Cyrano and Red Herring.
Linda Nidle (B/Everybody/Mind) Linda always figured that “playacting” was pretty straightforward—memorize your lines; hit your marks; follow the director’s directions…Then, BoldCo and “Whoa, was I ever wrong!” After her “Theatrical Debut” in BoldCo’s Tiny Beautiful Things last year she’s definitely picked up a few more acting tips, many new friends, and even a few more lines! Still somewhat terrified, Linda is thrilled to be part of tonight’s show, and to have been coached by Cape Rep’s outstanding professional acting, directing and production staff.
Pam North (God/Everybody/Understanding) is thrilled and grateful for a second opportunity to be a part of Cape Rep’s BoldCo. Apart from the very talented, brave, and enthusiastic cast, this unique opportunity is successful thanks to the director, Julie Allen Hamilton, and stage manager, Chelsey Jo Brown who balance professionalism and high expectations with unwavering support and understanding. Being a member of the growing BoldCo family has truly been an unexpected and welcome gift. Pam would like to thank her husband, Mark, and her poodle, Sophy for putting up with her running lines 24/7 and generally being an aging theater brat. She would also like to thank the many friends who continue to cheer her on.
Bobby Parr (C/Evil) was born in Cambridge Ma in 1958. He lived there until just before he turned 8 when he and his family moved to Harwich. He graduated Cape Cod Tech in 1976 and joined the U. S. Navy in October of that year. His 20 year career in the Navy took him around the world. He has six children and two grandchildren. He is married to Lynne Zalesak and they have a doggie Bailey. Bobby performed in Suffer A Witch and The Little Mermaid with the Company Onstage in Houston TX. He is retired and is a disabled veteran.
Bob Williamson (Somebody/Everybody) is very happy to have this opportunity to be part of BoldCo. As a lifelong member of the audience he is now acutely aware of how experienced actors make this all seem so natural and easy. Thanks to the talented, truly dedicated instruction from Julie and Chelsey plus the rest of the staff at Cape Rep we are able to realize our thespian dreams.
Julie Allen Hamilton (Director) has been a member of the Cape Rep company as an actor and a director since 1993. Favorite Cape Rep roles include Deb (The Tuna Goddess), Aoife Muldoon (Outside Mullingar), Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Red Head (The Love Talker), Paulina Escobar (Death And The Maiden), and as a director: Regular Singing, The Tempest, Macbeth, and How I Became A Pirate. Julie is so grateful to be involved with these remarkable actors. She is energized and inspired by their willingness and dedication every day! Special big thanks to Jak, Ian and Nell.
Chelsey Jo Brown (Stage Manager) is honored to be a part of this very special program with such an incredible group of people. Stage managing credits include Tiny Beautiful Things and Tumacho at Cape Rep Theatre and various productions at Bay Area Children’s Theatre in California. Chelsey has appeared in over a dozen shows at Cape Rep and holds a BFA from Montclair State University. She lives in Brewster with her husband and two adorable greyhounds. Huge thanks and love to the amazing Julie Allen Hamilton.
Alison Weller (Voice & Speech Coach) is an actor, coach, educator and writer with a long history at Cape Rep. She has worked on and off Broadway and in many regional theaters, and can be seen on screen in The Good House, Spirited, Don’t Look Up and Hocus Pocus 2. A classically trained actor who trained in Linklater at UC San Diego, Alison has been the voice and speech coach with Cape Rep’s YoCo since its inception, and is now delighted to be inspired by the work of The Bold Company.
Robin McLaughlin (Costume Design) when Robin was 5 someone asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, “A designer” she said and she has been sewing and creating ever since. Moving to Southern California at 21, Robin started her career as a costumer in film when there were 3 networks and it was TV vs film. After 2 years in Australia and following the birth of her daughter Leanne, they relocated to Cape Cod, where Robin has worked as an acclaimed costume designer for theaters across the Cape and Islands for the last 25 years.