The Epic Adventure of Lulu’s Lemonade Stand

Date: June 28, 2017 — August 31, 2017
Days & Times:

Wednesdays & Thursdays at 10AM
A one hour show for children, If it rains, we go indoors!

Running Time: 60 minutes
Price: $10

Written by Christopher Compton & Holly Erin McCarthy
Directed by Holly Erin McCarthy

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Lulu Leominster, a young entrepreneur out selling lemonade, realizes she’s late for her own birthday party and has to cut through “The Weird Part of Town” to get home. Thus begins her thrilling odyssey, both humorous and exciting, encountering a pirate, a viking, a confusing bus schedule, a boat trip, and a baker with spell-casting powers.

Purchase a copy of our newly published original picture book.  On August 24, 30 and 31, author/playwright/director Holly Erin McCarthy will be at the show to sign copies of her book! Come see the show and stop by and meet her!



Rachel Tondrealt – This will be Rachel’s second time performing at Cape Rep but her first time in the Outdoor Theater! Her favorite color is GREEN and she loves climbing trees.

Dad/Mrs. Landingcastle/Accountant the Bear

Jared Hagan – Jared has played many silly characters at Cape Rep’s Outdoor Theater including two elephants, a frog, a toad, a pirate, a cow and a dinosaur. He enjoys chocolate, reading books and snuggling with his puppies Penny, Alice and Richard.

Betty the Baker/Akira/Bobbi

Hannah Carrita – Hannah is excited for the revival of Lulu’s Lemonade Stand. (Her first Cape Rep Show) She has a passion for the movie Trolls and 90s rap.

Broadband/Scraggly Pete/Caleb Sowe

Ari Lew – This is Ari’s 6th Cape Rep Children’s show.  He likes eating, watching movies, and eating while watching movies.  Also check him out in Frog: A Modern Fairytale this summer at CCfta!

Derek/Charlie Ibdis/Burl

Garrett Almeida – This is Garrett’s 3rd kid’s show here at Cape Rep! Garrett loves ketchup, sushi is gross, don’t let people tell you otherwise!

Oink/Scilla Ibdis/Captain Waglaff/Bernadette

Holly Hansen – Holly is excited to be in her 1st Cape Rep Kid’s Show! She loves fluffy animals, all ice cream flavors, and above all, Disney! Hooray!



Holly Erin McCarthy – Holly Erin McCarthy is a native Cape Codder, who first performed on this stage 15 years ago. She has been a part of nearly every Outdoor Theatre show since then, and is thrilled to see her own work up on her favorite stage. Her favorite character is Accountant the Bear!

Costume Design

Robin McLaughlin (Costume Design) was resident costume designer at Cape Rep for many years. She is very happy to have been welcomed back for the summer season. She continues to be a nationally known designer of handmade journey bags and has added custom wedding accessories to her collection. @robinelizabethcreations

Scenic Design
Stage Manager

Photos courtesy of Robert Tucker/Focalpoint Studio.

  • Box Office: (508) 896-1888
    3299 Main Street, P.O. Box 1305, Brewster, MA 02631 (Emails may not be answered in a timely manner. Please do not email for ticketing requests or issues.)

    © 2024 Cape Rep Theatre