Next To Normal

Date: September 19, 2013 — October 13, 2013
Days & Times:

Wednesdays at 7pm
Thursdays - Saturdays at 8pm
Sundays at 2pm
No Performances September 25th

Price: $30-$35

Music by Tom Kitt
Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey
Directed by Kristin McLaughlin
Musical Direction by Scott Storr
Set Design by Ryan McGettigan
Costume Design by Robin McLaughlin
Lighting Design by Phil Kong
Prop Design by Mary Fritz
Stage Manager, Tareena Wimbish*


This groundbreaking Tony-winning musical wowed audiences in 2009 and was one of the rare musicals to win the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The Goodman Family appears to be a “normal” American family but what is really happening behind that white picket fence? NY Times critic Ben Brantley calls it a “brave, breathtaking musical….no show on Broadway right now makes as direct a grab for the heart.”

*Appearing courtesy of Actor’s Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States, appearing under Special Appearance Contract.


‘Normal’ faces difficult subject brilliantly
September 22, 2013
“…don’t miss it; it’s likely to be a theater experience that the Cape will be hard-pressed to recreate anytime soon.” – The Cape Cod Times

Cape Rep’s ‘Next To Normal’ Is Definitely Not
September 26, 2013
“This is one of the best musicals you will ever see. Not into musicals? You will love it anyway. It’s an amazing show…” – The Cape Cod Chronicle

Next to normal is next to perfection
September 27, 2013
“Cape Rep Theater’s production of the award winning next to normal is about as close to perfect as a theater production can be.It is without reservation the best theater I’ve ever seen on Cape Cod and that goes back more than 40 years. If you love theater, don’t miss this one.” – The Barnstable Patriot

  • Box Office: (508) 896-1888
    3299 Main Street, P.O. Box 1305, Brewster, MA 02631 (Emails may not be answered in a timely manner. Please do not email for ticketing requests or issues.)

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