When two strangers meet by letter during World War II, a love story begins. Tony Award-winning playwright Ken Ludwig tells the joyous, touching story of his parents’ courtship, and all its highs and lows, with great humor and heart.
Presented with support from:
COVID-19 Safety Protocols:
- All patrons will be required to show ID and proof of vaccination upon arrival.
- All patrons will be required to wear a mask during performances.
- Cape Rep Theatre will be following all State mandated COVID safety guidelines in place at the time of performance.
- All Cape Rep staff and cast members have been fully vaccinated.
- Although the state of Massachusetts does not require reduced capacity for your comfort we have reduced seating by 25%
- If you are not feeling well or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 as defined by the CDC, have been exposed to anyone with the virus within the last 14 days, or have been advised to self-quarantine within the last 10 days, please delay your visit to a later time and contact us at 508-896-1888 to discuss rescheduling options.
* Appearing courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States, appearing under Special Appearance Contract.
Photo courtesy of Bob Tucker/Focalpoint Studio.