Dinosaur Pirates From Outerspace

Date: June 25, 2013 — August 28, 2013
Days & Times:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10am
Extra performances Thursday Aug 8 & 15

Running Time: 1 hour

Book, Music and Lyrics by Maura Hanlon
Musical Arrangements by Brian Morris
Directed and Choreographed by Andrew Garret Karl
Musical Direction by Scott Storr


A roguish band of Dinosaur Pirates escaping the Intergalactic Navy crashes to earth and lands in the town of Happyton, where they meet Henrietta, who longs for adventure, and Hank, an inventor who is desperately trying to communicate with aliens. Filled with humor, fun songs and dancing dinosaur swashbucklers, DINOSAUR PIRATES FROM OUTERSPACE! is an adventure for everyone!


Check out this great review of Dinosaur Pirates From Outerspace!
July 5, 2013
“They zigged when we zagged so we’re safe for now!” Tricera’s words were a comfort to the many spellbound children in the audience at Cape Rep’s morning show. Dinosaur Pirates from Outer Space may sound scary, and may even look a little scary, but you’ll find yourself laughing a lot more then shivering your timbers! …Hanlon’s cleverly written script and catchy lyrics are sure to enchant young children age 3 and up. Adults will appreciate it, too.”- The Chatham Chronicle

Inviting invasion of Piratesaurs at Cape Rep
July 11, 2013
“What do dinosaurs, pirates and outer space have to do with each other? Normally not much, but those are the subjects Maura Hanlon (resident director at Brewster’s Cape Rep) creatively wove together in her brand-new and zany children’s musical Dinosaur Pirates from Outerspace!, playing all summer, at Cape Rep’s theater under the pines.” – The Cape Codder

  • Box Office: (508) 896-1888
    3299 Main Street, P.O. Box 1305, Brewster, MA 02631
    contact@caperep.org (Emails may not be answered in a timely manner. Please do not email for ticketing requests or issues.)

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